Wednesday, December 26, 2007

1. Introduction.
2. Definition of Marriage.
3. History of Marriages as a Sacrament.
4. a) Christian Marriage as a Covenant.
b) Christian Marriage as a Divine constitution.
c) Christian Marriage as a Call to Discipleship.
d) Christian Marriage as a Sacrament.
e) Christian Marriage as Monogamy.
5. Terminology.
6. a) Impediments.
b)Dispensation from Impediments
7. Preparation for Marriage.
8. Dissolubility of Marriage.
9. Pauline Privilege.
10. The Right to Annulment.
11. Other Points.
12. Conclusion.

Note: - The word 'Christian' in this appraisal means 'catholic’ only.

Marriage has been one of the oldest social institutions. It plays a crucial role in society. Its preeminent status from tribal community to most advanced communities establishes that humankind has evolved it as one of the precious institutions.

Marriage has assumed primary importunes, since it leads to the formation of a family which has been the only basic unit in Sociology, Politics, Economics and Culture. Marriage is an institution that establishes new bonds and strengthens the existing bonds. It has been understood differently in different contexts.

While in the western developed countries, marriage as an institution has lost its pre-eminent status and sanctity, in Oriental and developing countries it has remained intact and retains its sanctity. Marriage as a ritual has also undergone lot of changes. The Industrial Revolution has had its own impact on marriage and family. Further the industrial development has left undeletable impact on marriage and family. Thus in western countries marriage has lost all its charm and appeal. Couples decide to live together without formal marriage. The decline of marriage as an institution was also due to the beginning and spread of Feminist Movements and Women Liberation movements.

Feminists have time and again questioned the concept of marriage and family, since both establishes and consolidates Patriarchy and Hegemony of man and womankind. While some of the radical feminists reject the very idea of marriage and family altogether, some moderate women movements yearn some radical changes in the family structure itself, without which the family as an institution cannot survive long.

The Marxists see the institution of marriage and family as a mere social contract devoid of any holiness. Though the Marxists view family as a basic unit of social, political and economic spheres, they are perhaps the foremost thinkers who found out the strong links that the family has with The Private Property and State. The pioneering study in this angle is Frederic Engel’s - •THE ORIGIN OF FAMILY, PRIVATE PROPERTY AND THE STATE". Lewis H.Morgan's 'ANCIENT SOCIETY' was an earnest attempt to study the institution of family in the socio-economic-political contexts. F.Engels went on to describe the family in the capitalist society is consisting of the father - owner, the mother- the worker and thus the children born out of this wedlock are illegal children. Karl Marx and Frederick Engels have criticized the false notions of marriage and family by the bourgeois Ideologues. However the Marxists recognize the family is the primary cell of socialist society that is marked by a community of goals and strivings'. The advantages of man, physical strength and stronger will must be used not to humiliate and enslave a woman but to elevate, help, support and to protect the woman and even make sacrifices for her. Marx wrote 'In this
Relationship (marriage and Family) therefore, is sensuously manifested reduced to an observable fact, the extent to which the human essence has become nature to man, or to which nature to him has become the human essence of man. From this relationship one can therefore judge man’s whole level of development” [1] (Economic and PHILOSOPHIC MANUSCRIPTS OF 1844, Page 96).

Definition of marriage:
Marriage comes from the word 'matrimonium' which means 'munus matris' i.e. the office of Mother. Indeed in marriage the burden of procreation weighs heavily on the mother rather than on the father. Besides the mother is always certain. The Latin word, 'matrimonium' may also mean 'muniens matrem' i.e. protection of the mother. Marriage may also be called 'consortium' (the same lot) or 'coniugium' (the same yoke) or 'nuptiae'(coming from 'nubre' which means to cover, the word being used from the custom of bride using the veil) (Pastoral Guide: page 439).

History of marriage as A SACRAMENT
The church today organizes marriage as one of the seven sacraments. However, the church has always decaf red marriage as a 'primordial sacrament' meaning that it existed from the very beginning.[2] (Contemporary Perspective on Christian Marriage – ed Msgr, Richard Hal one and John R. Conney S.J., page 14)

Old Testament compares the marital union as a figure of covenant between the Lord Yahweh and the people of Israel, (Cf Hos: 2. Jer: 3: 6-13, Ez. 16, 23, Is.54.) Old Testament emphasizes that marriage is divinely established 'pre-existed' institution. Sociology defines 'institution' as a stable social entity which aims to bring together and organize individuals into a whole.

Since the chosen tribe of the Lord Yahweh lived as a community, marriage was recognized as one of the holiest institutions. Very often the bond between the man and wife was expressed as a link between the God and the people of Israel. The word 'covenant' is used often to denote the matrimonial faithfulness.

Israel was a monogamous society though polygamy was exception. In such a monogamous society, the rules regarding marriage have been very strict; incest was prohibited to protect the family by regulating sexual relations with close relatives in the restrictive sense of the word. (Lv 18:6-23, 20: 10-21). Nevertheless the provisions for the divorce did exist. (Dt 24:1-4).

In the 12th century, the council of Trent defined the sacra mentality of marriage.[3] (Contemporary Perspective in Christian Marriage -pg. 17) Followed closely was the Papal encyclical ‘CASTI CONN UBII’ by his holiness Pope Pius xi. Perhaps that was the first time the roman church had officially declared the ‘holiness’ of marriage. The matrimony was held in esteem by the Roman Church.

That assertion was echoed by great many saints and Popes. St John Chrystosmos called marriage an ‘ecclesia’ a church in miniature[4] (Marriage in Modern World”, pg 62,143).St. Augustine compared the role of the father in the family to that of the bishop in the church. (ibid).

Christian marriage as a Covenant;
Christian marriage is defined as a covenant founded upon pre existent and permanent structures which constitute the difference between man and woman since marriage itself is to be an institution of the creator himself.[5] (Contemporary Perspective in Christian Marriage -pg. 6)

The church is very careful to avoid the word 'contract’. The word is derived from the Latin word 'contrahere' which means 'to draw together, to restrict, to diminish, and to limit'. Contract deals with things: they engage the services of the people and are usually made for a stipulated period of time. Instead the word ’covenant' comes from word 'fidere' which means to trust, to have faith in, to entrust oneself to another. It is a relationship of mutual trust and fidelity. Hence to speak of a covenant of fidelity is redundant.[6] (Christian Marriage: Contract or Covenant – in theological studies’, Dec 1972, pg 617-619) Covenant deals with people.

Covenant signifies Partnership, Communion and Love. the second Vatican council teaches it very clearly when it says “the intimate partnership of married life and love has been established by the creator and qualified by his love. It is rooted in the conjugal covenant or irrevocable personal consent. Hence by that human act whereby spouses mutually bestow and accept each other, a relationship arise which by divine ell and in the eyes of the society too a lasting one. For the good of the spouses and their offspring as well as of the society, the existence of this sacred bond no longer depends on human decisions alone”.

Marriage is a covenant of love. Love and friendship in marriage is not modern discovery. One finds it in the earliest pages of the Bible. Eve was created as Adam's companion (friend). The love is expressed in Christian marriage in the words 'I take you as my spouse, I promise to be true in good times and in bad , in sickness and in health I love you and honour you all the days of my life'[7](The Roman Ritual: Rite

Of marriage - Footnote No 10 in Pastoral Guide Pg 442). The matrimonial love is the gift of oneself to the other partner; it is so intimate and noble, so loyal and trusting, that on the one hand it claims everything, while on the other hand it excludes everything.[8] - (Footnote No 12 in Pastoral Guide Pg 443.)

Christian Marriage - a divine Institution Marriage is divinely instituted. * So God created man in his own image, in the image of God He created him: male and female He created them * (Gen.1.27.). The Old Testament has numerous to the divinity of marriage. The New Testament offers no complete treatise on marriage particularly as an institution [9] (Contemporary Perspective on Christian Marriage -Pg 47)

Christian Marriage - a Call to discipleship Christian marriage is distinct from other forms of human marriage in so far as it is Christian, ft has been demonstrated that the Moaning of being Christian according to Hew Testament involves discipleship, growth in an ability to love as Jesus did and living within a community with other Christians who stand likewise within a process of growth in faith »and love.[10]{Partnership in service - Toward a biblical theology of Christian Marriage Pg 25) Christian marriage is one way of living as disciples of Jesus. Marriage is authentically Christian only when it is based on God's will of two persons to enter into a covenant relationship of marriage with each other and in their common Lord.
Jesus called men and women married and single to discipleship.[11] (cf. Women and Ministry In New Testament- Elizabeth Tetlow)

Christian Marriage - a Sacrament;
A sacrament has traditionally been defined in Christian Theology as a 'SIGN' which affects the 'GRACE' it signifies. It signifies the 'GRACE' and 'LOVE' which are offered in the sacramental encounter. Furthermore it signifies 'FAITH' both that of the individual and that of the whole community of the church.[12] (Partnership in Service — Pg 164)
In Judeo - Christian tradition marriage is a sign of God's saving life since it has been revealed from the moment of creation to be reflection of the rage of God and a sign of God's covenant relationship with human persons.
Christian Marriages — Monogamy
Monogamy has been the normal practice among almost all people. It has always been recognized to a greater or less degree- as the nor9. The theory of original promiscuity i.e. the supposition that at the dawn of humankind no sort of marriage tie was known y is nowadays regarded by all scientists as a simple fairy tale. all available traces point unanimously to monogamy at the dawn of the history of humankind.[13] (Christian Sociology Pg 33:55)
Pope John Paul II in the homily during the Eucharistic celebration at Kinshasa, Zaire, on 3rd May, 1980 said “This pilgrimage to the sources (first pages of the Bible) also reveals to us the initial couple, in God’s plan is MONOGAMOUS. This is again surprising for civilization – at the time when the Bible narratives take shape – is generally far from this cultural model. This monogamy, which is not of Western but Semitic origin, appears as the expression of the interpersonal relationship, the one in which each of the partners is recognized by the other in an equal value and in the totality of His person. This monogamous and personalistic conception of the human couple is an absolutely original revelation, which bears the mark of god, and which deserves to be studied more and more deeply” (Pastoral Guide pg 447).
If marriage promiscuity had been practiced at he beginning of humankind, it would have died out long ago before the stage of polygamy and monogamy could have reached: for promiscuity leads to sterility o woman. Most primitives lived in monogamy and the other marriage forms were exceptions and moreover strictly regulated.[14] (Christian Sociology - Pg 52-53).
Polygamy was on the whole more common among Semitic races than among the Arians. It was more frequent among the Jews, the Egyptians and Medes than among the uncivilized races, although many of them were free from it. (Christian Sociology – pg 56 see foot note No 28 and 29 of Pastoral Guide pg 447).
Pope John Paul II in his address to the bishops of Kenya on 7th May, 1980 said: ”It is the divine law proclaimed by Christ that gives rise to the Christian ideal of monogamous marriage, which in turn is the basis for the Christian family( pastoral Guide pg 449). Again in his Apostolic Exhortations “FAMILIARIES CONSORTIO” of 22dn Nov, 1981 he writes, “This (polygamy) in fact directly negates the Plan of God which was revealed fro the beginning because it is contrary to the equal personal dignity of men and women who, in matrimony, give themselves with a love that is total and therefore unique and exclusive [15] (Pastoral Guide- pg 449).
We find numerous references to polygamy in the Old Testament. When God undertook to educate His people by giving them His law the institution of marriage was o longer at the level of the primitive ideal. The ideal of fecundity and the concern to have a powerful family caused the desire for very many children. This naturally led to the practice of polygamy.
Without the full light of the Revelation of the New Testament, it is very difficult to arrive at the idea that polygamy was opposed to natural law. During the time of Jesus, monogamy was general among the Jews so that Jesus could direct his energies mainly to fight against divorce. In the Greco-Roman world into which Christianity was born, monogamy was the universal norm.

Valid Marriage: The marriage that produces be conjugal bond in
Valid marriage
Putative marriage:
An invalid mart age is said to be putative if It has been celebrated in good faith by at least by one party. It ceases to be so when both the parties became certain of its nullity. In case of Catholics, good faith is possible only if they go through the canonical form even the extraordinary form of marriage. Even the invalid marriage of those who are not bound to observe the canonical form can be described as putative marriages provided the consent is expressed in some legitimate or recognized form and of course provided at least one of the parties thinks the marriage is valid.

Attempted marriage: It is an invalid marriage contracted by a Couple who are fully aware of its invalidity.

Marriage consents:
A marriage is brought into being by the lawfully manifested consent of the persons who are legally capable. This consent cannot be supplied by any human power. Matrimonial consent is an act of will by which a man and woman by the irrevocable covenant actually give and accept one another for the purpose of establishing marriage. (Canon Law 1057)

It is maintenance of sexual relationship between man and women on a more or less durable basis without the intention of entering into the matrimonial union. On the one hand concubinage is not merely repeated acts of fornication or adultery. For in concubinage the man retains the women with him in his house or elsewhere. There is a semi permanent sexual relationship between the two. On the other hand concubinage cannot even be considered as an invalid marriage. For in invalid marriage th9 couple have the intention of entering into the matrimonial union. In invalid marriage there is atleast the appearance of marriage.

Ratified Marriages:
A valid marriage between baptized persons is said to be merely ratified if it is not consummated (C.1061 sl). As soon as both the partners of a valid marriage receive baptism their marriage becomes a ratified marriage only, even if they bad consummated their marriage before baptism.

Ratified and Consummated Marriage:
Marriage is said to be ratified and consummated if the spouses have in a human manner engaged together in conjugal act in itself apt for the generation of offspring. To this act marriage is by its nature ordered and by it the spouses become one flesh. Consummation is considered to have occurred only if there is the penetration of the penis into the vagina and the deposit there of the sperm. (The Sacred Canons- Abbo John and Hannan Jerome d, pg 168)

1. The Impediment of Age
A man cannot validly enter into marriage before the completion of sixteen years of age and nor a woman before the completion of her fourteenth year. However the Episcopal conference (The Catholic Bishop’s conference of each country, for India it is Catholic Bishop's Conference of India) may establish higher age for the lawful celebration of marriage. According to Indian Civil Law the age is 21 and 18 for men and women respectively.(The Child marriage Restraint (Amendment ) Act 1978.)
The Impediment of Impotence
Antecedent and perpetual impotence to have sexual intercourse whether on the part of the man or on that of the woman, whether absolute or relative, by its very nature invalidates marriage (Canon Law 1084)
Impediment of Bond
A person by the bond of previous marriage, even if not consummated, invalidly attempts marriage. Canon Law 1085,
Impediment of Disparity of Cult
In order to favor the practice of faith Catholics, the church even breaks a legitimate bond of marriage. 'A marriage is invalid when one of the two persons was baptized in the catholic church or received into it and has not by a formal act defected from it, and the other was not baptized. Canon Law 1086 The formal act means the intention and execution of joining another church and if that if that church has some clearly defined method of enrolling new members, the defection is clear.
The Impediments of Holy Order.
Those who are in sacred orders invalidly attempt marriage (Canon Law 1087). In the long history of the church the Holy See has never given dispensation from this expedient for Bishops. For priests the Holy See gives for the gravest reasons, but they are forbidden to exercise the sacred ministry.
The Impediment of Public Perpetual Vow.
* Those who are bound by public perpetual vow of a religious institute invariably attempts marriage (chastity in Canon Law 1088)

The Impediment of Abduction
'No marriage can exist between a man and a woman who has been abducted or atleast detained with a view to contracting a marriage with her unless the woman, after she has been separated from her abductors and established in a safe and free place, chooses marriage of her own accord.' (Canon Law 1009}
The Impediment of Consanguinity
Consanguinity is the moral bond existing between persons carnally descended in proximity degrees from a common ancestor.


Consanguinity CHART


^ [

Robert is related to Lily in the direct line, second degree
* ' Cecily in the collateral Sine. second degree
* * Lucy in the collateral line, third degree
* • Fatima In the collateral line. forth degree
" * Monica in the collateral line, sixth degree
* " Margaret in the collateral line, fifth degree
Consanguinity may be legitimate or illegitimate according
as casual generation was legitimate or natural (illegitimate)
The Impediment of Affinity
Affinity is a relation between two persons one of whom is joined by a valid marriage, to a blood relative of the other. Affinity in any degree of the» direct link invalidates marriage. [Cannon law 1092]
The Impediment of public propriety
The» impediment of public propriety arises when a couple live together after an invalid marriage or from a notorious or public concubinage. It invalidates marriage in the first degree of the direct fine between the man and those related by Consanguinity to the women and vice versa [canon law 1093].
Dispensation from the impediments: Laws on matrimony like other ecclesiastical circumstances: The end of the law is the attainment of eternal salvation. But at times in a particular case the observance of the law would render the attainment of salvation very difficult,
Preparation for marriage:
1) Catholics who have not yet received the sacrament of confirmation are to receive it before being admitted to marriage if this can be done without grave inconvenience (Canon Law 1065)
2) The consent of the parents except in case of necessity no one is to assist without the permission of local Ordinary at a marriage of a minor whose parents are either unaware of it or reasonably opposed to it.
3) Confessions before the celebration of marriage: The marriage of two validly baptized Christians is a sacrament of the living. Hence it must be received in the state of grace. Otherwise sacrilege is committed. (Pastoral Guide - Pg 605-613)
4) The form of marriage means solemnities required for its
celebration. (Pastoral Guide Pg 492)
5) After the celebration of marriage the Parish Priest or the
Celebrant of the mass is to record in the Marriage Register the names of the spouses, place and date of celebration of marriage etc.(Canon Law 1121) (Pastoral Guidance Pg 636)
The Dissolubility of Marriages.
The church has no power to dissolve a bond that is ratified and consummated. The church has power to dissolve a marriage that is ratified only. A non- consummated marriage between baptized persons can be dissolved by the Roman Pontiff for a just reason at the request of both parties or of either party even if the other is unwilling. (Canon Law 1142) (Pastoral Guide Pg 466)
The Pauline Privilege
The Pauline Privilege may be defined as the right which a non-baptized person who has contracted a marriage with another non-baptized person enjoys upon his(her) reception of baptism to enter into a now marriage provided the non-Christian party departs. This is based on St Paul's preaching (1 Cor. 7s 12-15) and therefore called Pauline Privilege.
The Right to Annulment.
If Error about a person renders a marriage invalid.
1 The error about a quality of a person even though it being the reason for the contract does not render a marriage invalid unless the quality is directly and principally intended [Canon Law 1097].
2) When an existing union is found out to be a true marriage, either because the canonical form was not observed because there existed a deriment impediment etc, various causes of action can be followed according various circumstances.
Leaving the parties as brother and sister
Leaving the parties in good faith or
Declaration of nullity

Simple validation means the validation of an invalid marriage with renewal of consent on the part of one or on the part of both the parties. The marriage might have been invalid because of diriment of impediments or because of defect of consent or because of defect of canonical form. Pastoral guide
page 6603.
Retroactive validation
The retroactive validation of an invalid marriage Is its validation without the renewal of consent, granted by the competent authority. It involves a dispensation from an impediment if there is one and from the canonical form of it had not been observed as well as a referral back to the past of the canonical effects [Pastoral Guide page 662].
Leaving the parties to the good faith
Though ecclesial court could pass orders of separation if the parties prefer to be left to good faith, it can be agreed to [Cannon Law 5363
Declaration of nullity
In some cases of invalid marriage a separation followed a declaration of nullity may be the best or the only course. Declaration of nullity is the act by which the competent authority pronounces that marriage is invalid. Then this is certain and when there is no possibility of validation.
Other Points
The institute of marriage must be governed either by the church or by the state. They alone have the right and duty to determine and establish conditions for the valid and celebrations of marriage. Marriage between one baptized and the other non-baptized is not a sacrament. For separation the diocesan marriage tribunal can be approached for separation. The partner who wishes to remain faithful to Christ and Gospel must appraise the request for divorce. He/She is free to receive sacraments if they have been forced for separation. [Pastoral Guide page 672 to 5747.
Though the study of Christian Marriage in this appraisal is very restricted, nevertheless salient features of the Christian marriage have been brought to Sight. It can be seen that the Catholic Church in its concern for humanity, has taken all efforts to preserve marriage with its sanctity and family with its purity. This concern to preserve and retain family as a basic unit of society is not only the bounden duty of the church but also of the state.
The enormous rules and rights of the marriage in Christian tradition are there only for protecting the sacred bond between man and woman. Though industrial development and
affluence have made tremendous impact on marriage as an institution, the church has been unrelentlessly fights to keep the institution in its purity and sanctity.
The relaxation that marriage and family, two great social institutions must be preserved to save the humanity bus dawned upon all the countries including the developed countries. That has been manifested in the United Nations declarations of 1994 as the International Year of family. Hence one can conclude that the church as moral custodian in the west has done Yeoman service in preserving the sanctity and purity of marriage as a social institution,

New York. Paulist, 1980

University Press of America, Maryland
New York 1981
Cork. 1985.
and John R Conney MARRIAGE' Loyola University Press, Chicago 1984.

MANUSCRIPT OF 1844’, Progress Publishers
Moscow 1977.
7. P.Paul F. Palmer 'Christian Marriage Contract or Covenant' (article)

Thomas SDB LITURGICAL VOL II Kristu Jyothi College
Publications Bangalore 1984

9. Victor San Miguel 'CHRISTIAN SOCIOLOGY’ Alwaye 1989

lO.Volkov F.H. (Editor) 'ETHICS' - Progress Publishers Moscow 1989

11. CBCI Commission for Liturgy, The Roman Ritual Rite
of Marriage Bangalore 1970.

[1] Karl Marx: The Economic and PHILOSOPHIC MANUSCRIPTS OF 1844, Page 96).

[2]Ed Msgr, Richard Hal one and John R. Conney S.J., Contemporary Perspective on Christian Marriage –page 14
[3] Contemporary Perspective in Christian Marriage -pg. 17
[4] Marriage in Modern World”, pg 62,143
[5] Contemporary Perspective in Christian Marriage -pg. 6
[6] Christian Marriage: Contract or Covenant – in theological studies’, Dec 1972, pg 617-619
[7] The Roman Ritual: Rite of marriage - Footnote No 10 in Pastoral Guide Pg 442
[8] Footnote No 12 in Pastoral Guide Pg 443
[9] Contemporary Perspective on Christian Marriage -Pg 47
[10] Partnership in service-Toward a biblical theology of Christian Marriage Pg 25
[11] Women and Ministry In Hew Testament- Elizabeth Tetlow
[12] Partnership in Service — Pg 164
[13] Christian Sociology Pg 33s55
[14] ibid 52-53
[15] Pastoral Guide- pg 449

Friday, December 21, 2007

NJO REACH OUT is nothing but you and us
The twelfth issue for the year 2007 and twenty-eighth from inception is in your hands. NJO REACH OUT wishes those NJO staff whose Birthdays and Wedding Anniversaries fall during December 2007.

THE SECRET BALLOT IN THE INDIAN RAILWAYS: In the history of the Indian Railways existence of 152 years for the first time a secret ballot was held on 26,27 & 28th November 2007. So long, various unions and associations were carrying on their activity with the recognition from the Railway Board. However, as per the directives of the Supreme Court, the secret ballot was conducted all over the zonal railways except production units like ICF, RCF, CLW, DLW etc. When the results were out on the 3rd Dec the SRMU and DREU have taken the first and second position in the zone.
RED RIBBON EXPRESS: The World Aids Day is observed on December 1. To mark the importance of the day, the Indian railways on her part helped the national aids control organization NACO to run a RED RIBBON EXPRESS. It is estimated that the percentage of the age group 16 to 36 is very high in India among the Asian countries. Therefore, it is imperative that the country takes care of this population prevents the dreaded AIDS. The eight condemned passenger coaches were done POH in CW/PER and refurbished to carry an exhibition on the awareness on the dreaded aids. Smt Sonia Gandhi chairperson of UNPA dedicated the express to the country. Shri Lalu Prasad presided over the function. Earlier “Azaadi Express” rolled out from Bihar to highlight the 150th anniversary of the freedom struggle (1857 to 2007) against the British rule.
In a view to promote internal and international tourism through the Indian railways, the present Railway Minister Shri Lalu Prasad Yadav is doing innovative measures through IRCTC. One such is the “MAHAPARINIRVAN” a Buddhist Circuit Special Train. It would carry the passengers to Bodh Gaya, Rajgir, Nalanda Kushinagar, Lumbini, Srasvasti the holy Buddhist cities.
It is pertinent to mention that already “AZADI EXPRESS” was introduced on the 150th of freedom struggle in India as train of exhibition on the freedom struggle. Shri Arjun Singh, union minister for human resources, flagged off it. The train has three section covering 1 first war of independence 1857 and the event led to it, 2 period of freedom movement , and 3 country’s progress in post independence period. It travel through 21 stations for 8 months and parking at 68 stations for public viewing. The 12th coach has sales counters for ‘curios and mementos’, khadi and other products connected with India’s freedom struggle.
BOOK RELEASE: A book titled “OUR RAILWAYS “is authored by Shri V Parankusam, who had retired as Senior Auditor Southern Railways, Chennai. This is the second edition and has 22 chapters almost giving a vivid picture about the entire Indian railways. This book can be obtained on payment of Rs 200/- from Shanthi Publishers, 37 Thiruvalluvarpet, Mandaveli, Chennai 28. Ph 044- 24953545.
Smt K Vijayalakshmi SR SO /S/PER along with her team in the 14th National Ambulance Meet held at Kanpur, U P during November first week stood first and has won shield and medals in the nursing events. Besides, Selvi Gnanaselvi, AA HQ Gen Accounts/ MAS and Smt Nandhini Panchabakesan Sr SO Mechanical Budget/MAS also had participated in event. NJO REACHOUT /PER congratulates her and her teammates.
Shri V S Muralidhar, SR SO / SL/PER stood first in the Diploma In Multimodal Transport examinations conducted by the Institute Of Rail Transport, Railway Board, New Delhi. He is requested to come over to Rail Bhavan to receive the medals and certificate from Chairman Railway Board and later to dine with him. NJO REACHOUT /PER congratulates him for having stood first in the examination.
WEDDING BELLS: Selvi Subhashini (a) Deborah D/O Smt Amuthvalli, AA Shri Palaniappan, and Selvan Antony Raj S/O Smt & Shri T Sowriraj were married on Wednesday 5th December 2007 at the United Pentecostal Church, Ayanavaram, Chennai. Many staff and Officers from NJO/PER attended the wedding and the reception held at Bishop Manickam Hall Kellysl, Chennai 10. NJO REACHOUT prays the choicest blessings for the newly wedded couple and congratulates Smt Amuthvalli, & Shri Palaniappan, and Smt & Shri T Sowriraj 

NJO REACHOUT/PER extends Christmas and New Year wishes to all the staff and officers of NJO/PER. May the spirit of sharing glow and the New Year bring peace, prosperity and harmony in our midst both at homes and office.
Ramesh is studying in ninth standard. One day while returning from special class he lost his mathematics reader. On having found that the reader is missing, he went back in his bicycle to look for it. He found that some boys were seriously discussing how to dispose a reader they found on the road. Ramesh realized that indeed it was his reader. He approached the boys to hand over the reader to him. The tone of the boys changed as they found out the owner of the book. They demanded Rs 40/- from Ramesh. However, Ramesh was not willing to pay the money and argued that after all, it was his book and his name is written there. Nevertheless, the boys were adamant and will not part with the reader unless some amount is paid to them. Ramesh decided to bring his mother to the place and quietly left the place. His mother was furious to listen to the story. At once she accompanied her son to the place. The boys were still there. When she demanded that the book be returned to her son Ramesh the boys would have none of it. They said in unison that the finder is entitled to keep the book and the finder has the right to dispose the book, as he liked. Mother of Ramesh was frustrated in her attempts to threaten. One of the boys told her that the price Ramesh has to pay for his negligence. Had it not been found by them some others would have found it and the book would have straightaway landed in the old books stores for some meager amount. However, they understood the importance to the book and kept it sage. Are they not eligible to demand some money for safekeeping of the book? Finally, she was convinced and paid the money.
Staffs are encouraged to contribute to the newsletter. It is intended to bring a community spirit among the staff of NJO/PER. Any event in the office and personal profiles of exception may be sent for inclusion.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

NJO REACH OUT is nothing but you and us.

lThe eleventh issue for the year 2007 and twenty-seventh from inception is in your hands. NJO REACH OUT wishes those NJO staff whose Birthdays and Wedding Anniversaries fall during November 2007.

Chairman, Railway Board: Shri K C Jena an officer of the 1971 batch IRTS, has taken over as the Chairman, Railway Board, New Delhi and ex Officio Secretary to the Govt. of India on 31st August, 2007. Previously he was Member Staff at the Railway Board. He studied at the Madras Christian College, Chennai and IIT Kanpur. He has traveled widely abroad. He underwent Inter Modal Traffic at the University College of Cardiff, UK. He had training at Sweden, Germany and USA. He had undergone training at the STERN School of Business at New York, USA. Earlier he held the posts of Executive Director (Coaching), CCM, COM Western Railway, DRM Vadodara, AGM Central Railway, GM N C Railway, and East Central Railway. He was elected as the National Chairman of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT), India headquartered in UK.

Financial Commissioner: Smt Sudha Chobe an officer of the 1971 batch IRAS, has taken over charge as Financial Commissioner. Formerly she was the GM Kolkata Metro Railway, Kolkata; GM Rail Wheel Factory, Bangalore; FA&CAO Western, North Eastern, Central, North East and North Western Railways. She had undergone training in USA and Sweden. She participated in the advance leadership-training programme at STERN School of Business, New York, USA.

Fairy Queen – The oldest serving steam engine was at Loco Works/PER for POH. Some of the diehard fans of the NJO/PER visited the workshop to closely watch and admire the old iron horse in fact 152 years as on date. They could not resist taking photographs of Fairy Queen. Being the premier repair workshop for locomotives – steam and electrical, the Loco Works/PER is assigned the task of doing POH of the Fairy Queen. Hats off to the staff and officers of LW/PER. Shri V Carmelus, CME/MAS formally sent off the fairy queen after the POH.

Selvi Ramalakshmi D/O Smt Lakshmi and Shri Veerappan, AC, Admin Section and Selvan Raghupathy S/O Smt Premavathy & Shri R Inbasekaran, were married on Wednesday 24th October 2007. Many staff and Officers from NJO/PER and other offices braved the heavy downpour of rains and attended the reception on Tuesday 23rd October 2007 held at the New Hall, Railway Institute, Perambur. NJO REACHOUT prays the choicest blessings for the newly wedded couple and congratulates Smt Lakshmi and Shri Veerappan and Smt Premavathy & Shri R Inbasekaran

Noor-E-Nazar Khader Navaz Khan S/O Smt & Shri Amir Khan Dy CMM/M/PER and Noor-E-Chashmi Jerina Begum were married on Sunday 28th October 2007 at Palayam Kottai, Tirunelveli and the reception was held at ICF Kalyana Mandapam on Sunday 4th November 2007. Large number of staff and officers attended the reception as the rain God was in a benevolent mood. NJO REACHOUT prays the choicest blessings for the newly wedded couple and congratulates Smt & Shri Amir Khan

Selvan Benny Joseph S/O Smt Santhibai Sarojini & Shri J Jacob SMM/COS/PER and Selvi Janet Benilda D/O Smt Jeya Annal and Shri J S Samraj, JE/GOC were married on Wednesday 31st October 2007 at CSI Church, Golden Rock, Trichy. NJO REACHOUT prays the choicest blessings for the newly wedded couple and congratulates Smt Santhibai Sarojini & Shri J Jacob and Smt Jeya Annal and Shri J S Samraj

Shri C Nagarajan AA, W Books Section had conducted the house warming at his newly built house at Kundarathur on Thursday 13th September 2007. Many staff including Shri K Rajakumar Sr AFA/W/PER visited his house on the day.
Shri N Gopal Sr RS Stock Bills retired from railway service on superannuation on 31st October 2007 after 35 years of yeomen service in the railways. A farewell party was organized on 2nd November at the Nilgiri Sabha Griha. S/Shri M Jeychandren, FA&CAO/S&W/PER, K Ramasubramonia Pillai Dy FA&CAO/W, B Srinivasan Dy FA&CAO/S, all Senior AFAs, AFAs and the entire accounts community of NJO/PER were present. A golden chain and ring were presented to him by FA&CAO/S&W/PER. The retirement Cheques were presented by other officers. A few staff and officers spoke on the harmonious service rendered by Shri Gopal. FA& CAO appreciated that the large gathering itself was a witness to the commendable service rendered by him and asked others to emulate him.

1. Mother of Shri K Ramasubramonia Pillai DY FA&CAO/W passed away on the 6th October.
2. Smt Rajalakshmi mother of Smt Jothi AA XF Section passed away on 10th October after prolonged illness.
3. Mother of Shri T D R Sivasubramaninan Dy CMM passed away on the 13th October.
4. Smt Vijayalakshmi AA, Admin section passed away on 19th October at RH/PER after prolonged illness.
5. Brother in law of Shri R J Anandan, SR SO / W Computer passed away on 19th October due to sudden heart attack at Bangalore
6. Father of Shri Ramasubramanian Sr AFA/CN/MS passed away on 21st October
7. Shri H S Arunachalam, father of Smt Banu Sr SO/MTP/MS and father-in-law of Shri Regimon George, SO/Pension/PER passed away on 22nd October after prolonged illness.
NJO/REACHOUT expresses its deep condolences to all the bereaved families. May the souls of the departed rest in peace. May the Lord Almighty grant the solace and succor to the families.

A father in a village had three grown up sons. The father had vast tract of arable and agricultural lands. He wanted to distribute his lands equally among his sons but wanted to entrust the overall control of all the lands to one of the sons. He consulted with the village elders, friends and relatives. Each one of them gave a piece of advice, which confused the man. He was little sad. His childhood friend from the neighboring village had come to visit him. The father told his problem on hand. His friend gave him an idea. The father had his sons assembled before him. He gave each one of them one coin of those days to purchase anything enough to fill a room in their house. His sons were rather bewildered. Nevertheless, they wanted to prove their might to their father. They set out to find something worthwhile to fill the rooms. When the sun set in the sons returned home with their purchase. The first son opened the first room and showed the hay he had purchased and that was not even covered quarter of the room. The second son opened the second room and showed the wood he had purchased and that was not even covered half of the room. The youngest son opened the third room and showed. A little candle was lit in the room and the light had engulfed the entire room. The third son returned the balance amount to the father. the father felt happy and handed over the over all control to the youngest son and advised the elders to consult with him in future.

Staffs are encouraged to contribute to the newsletter. It is intended to bring a community spirit among the staff of NJO/PER. Any event in the office and personal profiles of exception may be sent for inclusion.

View your Newsletter in the Internet:

NJO REACH OUT is nothing but you and us.

The tenth issue for the year 2007 and twenty-sixth from inception is in your hands. NJO REACH OUT wishes those NJO staff whose Birthdays and Wedding Anniversaries fall during October 2007.

Training, Posting and Promotions:
The following SAG officers were drafted for overseas training at USA and Canada under the UNDP Colombo Plan under the aegis of UN for training managers in the developing countries: Shri Vijayaraghavan FA&CAO/G/MAS, Shri B N Rao, FA&CAO/T/MAS, Smt Sujatha Jayaraj, FA&AO/CN1/MS, and Smt Manjula Rangarajan FA&CAO/MTP/MS.

Smt Sujatha Jayaraj, FA&CAO/CN1/MS is posted as FA&CAO/T/MAS vice Shri B N Rao FA&CAO/T/MAS who has assumed charge as FA&CAO/G/MAS. Shri Vijayaraghavan FA&CAO/G/MAS has been posted as ADRM/Bangalore/SW Rly. Except Shri Vijayaraghavan, Smt Sujatha Jayaraj and Shri B N Rao have worked as Dy FA&CAO/W in NJO/PER. NJO REACHOUT/PER wishes all the very best to SA Grade officers and wish success for them in their future ventures.

Shri M Devaraj, Dy CAO/G is promoted to SA grade and posted as FA&CAO/CN1/MS. He previously worked in NJO/PER as SAO/S/PER, Dy FA&CAO/W. NJO REACHOUT/PER wishes him all the very best for his new posting as SA Grade officer.

Conferred to IRAS:
S/Shri K A Ananthasubramanian SR AFA/S/PER, A Joseph SR AFA/CN/TPJ, G Kalyanaraman SR AFA/T/TPJ, P Nagarajan SR AFA/Bud/MAS, K Rajakumar, SR AFA/W/PER, S Natarajan, DFM/I/MAS, T V Subramanian TCO/MAS, M Rajendran SSA/A/MMC and T Veluswamy SR AFA/W&S/GOC are conferred to IRAS for the years 2005-06 and 2006-07. Except Shri A Joseph, all other Senior Scale officers had worked earlier in NJO/PER in various capacities. NJO REACHOUT/PER wishes all of them the very best for their elevation to IRAS and good wishes for the future.

The Third Annual Toppers Award for the 10th class students of the Railway Colony Aided High School, Behind Joint Office/Perambur was held on the Wednesday the 11th September 2007 in the august presence of Shri M Jeychandren, FA&CAO/S&W/PER, Shri R Kuppan, CWM/LW/PER, Shri P Balan, Dy CPO/LW/PER. The function was rather belated for many reasons beyond our control.

From 2005 onwards NJO REACH OUT is awarding Annual School Toppers Award for SSLC (10th) students of the Railway Colony Aided High School, Ayanavaram, Chennai 23. The cash award consists of two first prizes of Rs 2000/- each and two second prizes of Rs 1500/- each and the staff of New Joint Office, Ayanavaram, generously contributes towards the awards

By the time the date was fixed, the awardees were preparing for their quarterly examinations in their respective schools. Moreover, the quarterly examinations for the school itself were to commence on 12th September 2007. Hence there was no choice of the date and the function was to be held on the 11th September.

Despite the short notice, Shri M Jeychandren FA&CAO/S&W/PER, Shri R Kuppan CWM/LW/PER and Shri P Balan Dy CPO/LW/PER were too willing to participate and grace the occasion. With the help of the S&T Dept, the public address system and sound service was provided.

The function started at 12.30 pm with tamizh thaai vaazhthu, followed by the welcome address by Shri P Balan, Dy CPO/LW/PER & correspondent for the school. After the customary presentation of bouquets to the dignitaries, the certificates and the cash the VIPs distributed prizes.

Shri M Jeychandren FA&CAO/S&W/PER emphasized the importance of excellence in the education which alone could extol one’s status. It may be very easy for a rich or middle class students to study in an affluent school and become officers in the Govt. sector. However, they may not have compassion for schools where students from lower strata in society. It is the students from the non-affluent schools, who rise up as officers have enormous empathy and compassion for such schools.
Shri R Kuppan CWM/LW/PER in his speech once again reiterated that the facilities that are provided to the students should be fully used for excellence. He suggested that the class 9th and 10th students should avoid watching TV channels, which are a great disturbance. He while served as the correspondent in the ICF Silver Jubilee School, suggested to the parent teachers meeting and the students in whose houses cable TV connection was temporarily snapped achieved success.
The award winners among girls are, first place went to P K Divya, 348/500 marks won a cash prize of Rs 2000/- and second place went to B Vennila 330/500 marks won Rs 1500/-. Among boys first place was secured by J Udayakumar 398/500 marks, won a cash prize of Rs 2000/- second place was secured by R Karthikeyan 300/500 marks and won a prize of Rs 1500/-.
The percentage of pass has dramatically increased from 48 to 70 over the last year. Shri R Balasubramanian SO/Stores Finance /NJO/PER and an alumni of the school, gave a cash prize to Pulavar Purushothaman, the HM in appreciation of the dramatic increase in the pass percentage. Gift packets were distributed to the teaching and non-teaching staff. Sweets were given to the students. Later Pulavar Purushothaman, the HM praised the efforts of the NJO REACHOUT /PER and proposed the vote of thanks. The programme ended with the National Anthem.

Selvan Varun S/O Shri K Inbasekaran Sr SO/ Stores Finance & Smt Malar and Selvi Dheepikaa D/O Smt and Shri M Srinivasan, MAPS, Kalpakkam were married on Thursday 13th September 2007 at H P M Paradise Kalyana Mahal, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai 58. Many staff and Officers from NJO/PER and other offices attended the reception on Wednesday 12th September 2007. NJO REACHOUT prays the choicest blessings for the newly wedded couple and congratulates Shri K Inbasekaran & Smt Malar and Smt and Shri M Srinivasan, MAPS, Kalpakkam.

As the weather turned colder and colder in the winter, a small lake in New Brunswick (USA) was freezing fast. A man on the shore could see that a loon, which is a water bird, seemed to be stranded in the middle of the lake in a small area where there was still open water. Now a loon needs a long stretch of water in which to lift out of the water and begin to fly. However, the open water on this lake was fast becoming frozen. Everyday more ice was forming, and the loon’s area of open water was becoming smaller and smaller. Nearby, an eagle was closely watching the loon, apparently waiting for the bird to be completely stranded. It looked like an easy meal or two for the eagle, since an escape for the loon was looking very hopeless. The kind man who had been watching the stranded loon tried repeatedly to save the bird. For twelve days, the man attempted to save the loon, but the loon fought against being rescued. And with each passing day, the area of open water was becoming smaller and smaller as more ice formed. And with each passing day, the eagle still waited and watched the bird. Finally, the ice on the lake became thick enough to hold the weight of the man. Then he was able to get close enough to toss nylon net over the loon. He wrapped the net securely around the bird and took the loon to a large body of open water where he released it. The last he saw of the loon, it was bobbling up and down on the wave, leading it far away from the shore. The rescued bird was free and safe at last from the hungry eagle.

Staffs are encouraged to contribute to the newsletter. It is intended to bring a community spirit among the staff of NJO/PER. Any event in the office and personal profiles of exception may be sent for inclusion.


Saturday, November 10, 2007


The annual family get together of Christian Association for Lay Leadership (CALL) was held on 13th Oct 2007 in pastoral centre, santhome, Chennai 4. The meeting was informally started at 11.40 am with singing “
‘Ãœ¡HQ™ Hø‰Ã® ެø°Ã´‹ ñ, Ãœ¡H¬Ã¹‚ è£Ë†¶ Üø‹ õ÷˜Å «Ã°£«Ã±’ followed by gospel reading and prayer by Tensingh. The self introduction of the members followed. . The following members were present: Rev M C Michael, Dheepam, Jeyarani, , Amuthan (Jayaseelan), Antony Fernandez, Gnanaraj, Sara Christie, Arul, Armstrong, Rosario Joseph, , Edward Tensingh J Armstrong .
The Following were the invitees John Britto(ex aicufer, Vellore), Carmel, Rosy Santhanam,(AIM) V Gerald(Laity Commission,chennai ), Auxilia Peter( women’s commission, Chennai), A k Jospeh Keendy(DBYC, Chennai), D Adakkalasamy(ex ycs., Chennai), A Roseline, V Jancy Rani
Invited but Expressed Inability: Josephraj (Chengalpattu), Rita (Devanesan, Sneha) Tanjavur, Sheila (Martin, Niranjan, Kathy), R J Rajkumar, James Victor (Tuticorin), Rev Sr Marian PBVM(Chennai)
Assured To Attend but Not Attended: Xavier (Anne), Dheesmas( Sesammal, Tony, Celine), Pauldoss,
Gnanaraj explained the purpose and objectives of the gathering as envisaged in the first meet held at Josephraj’s residence at Chengalpattu.
to make our children aware of the ideals for which their parents gave their precious youth
to be role models to our children
to share one year experiences, sorrows, agonies, victories, failures, ventures etc
to plan concretely where intervention can be made as individuals, as groups, as members of organizations, associations, movements
To revive and revitalize the link among the various catholic youth and workers organizations.

Further he recalled the tasks listed out in the earlier meeting held at Emmaus, Nilangarai, Chennai.
1. To counter saffronisation in school syllabus, 2. To help women entrepreneurs in consultation with Tamil Nadu Minorities Development Corporation Ltd, Chennai 3. To conduct education and career guidance for catholic youth at vicariate level, 4 to help the catholic community to make use of internet as a source of income 5.To sustain, guide and animate youth movements like YCS/YSM, AICUF, YCW, DYC etc through dynamic and critical intervention.

Thereafter, general discussion followed. It was suggested that the meeting either be purely a family get to gather of a meeting for some collective action. Since the last one year many efforts have been taken on the subjects discussed in the previous meeting. As regards the saffronisation, the matter has been already reported to the concerned and the Govt has ordered to remove those objectionable pages containing some historical distortions. Sincere meetings were held to revive Catholic Teachers Guild and some teachers have shown keen interest. Even the new rules and byelaws are kept ready and had been discussed with the archbishop. For conducting the education and career guidance programme even venue and dates were finalized, however, due to sudden sickness of Tony, much could not be followed. Only two tasks of linking the women desk with Nadu Minorities Development Corporation Ltd, Chennai and to help the catholic community to make use of internet as a source of income could not be achieved. The interaction with the youth movements like YCS/YSM, AICUF, YCW, DYC continues.
Further, many such persons in Tamil Nadu have made great strides in the field of education. Some of the members of the CALL group also participated in the Social Educators Meet (another group of persons who were at YCS/YSM) at Chennai, Dindigul and Salem. Some of the ex YCS members have made short films and documentary films on educational and child labour issues. A few of them even won some awards. Such activities go unnoticed by others as there is no link among those who work at various places and levels. Therefore, a news letter or monthly magazine is required to share the alternative news. Moreover, leadership qualities are absent in many of the church related youth movements. It is an indication that the ex members whoever they may be, have failed in efficient intervention. At no point of time, we should allow the youth movements to be closed down in parishes due to rash activities. Church continues to be most known area of operation, and it offers enormous facilities for meeting. Hence diplomatic and strategic relations are required to be taught.
That was feasible only when the team meets atleast once in a month. A place is needed. For the time being, Tony’s office can be used for the monthly meet. However, a large group can not meet every month due to various practical difficulties. A small team can meet atleast once in two months and monitor progress on various tasks. Accordingly, Tony, Jeyaseelan, Adaikalasamy, Auxilia, Armstrong, Kennedy, Edward Tensingh, Dheepam were nominated to form a group and meet regularly. The venue will be Pastoral Centre, 5 pm and on 17th November 2007.

There was strong suggestion that the catholic lay achievers in every diocese must be awarded the laity awards every year during the laity Sunday 3rd Sunday. This can be done together with CRMI and CU in each diocese.
It was also suggested that the deserving catholic students be sent for specialized training on individual or group sponsor method. For instance journalism camp was conducted by Josephraj was very beneficial to many.
CBCI has published norms for educational institutions. We need to translate to be sent to all our friends and well wishers for spreading the news.
Once again it was reiterated to revive the Catholic Teachers Guild at the diocese.
Workshops on political leadership to be conducted for the laity
After discussing the emotive issue of Adam’s bridge/ ó£Ã±˜ ð£Ã´‹ in the larger economic gains for the southern states, an article on the issue to be written in the “Ãœ¼Å“ õ£‚°”
To build a working relationship between the Tamil Nadu Minorities Welfare Developmment corporation and the women commission of the diocese.

The delicious lunch was served at 1.45 pm. Thereafter the meeting continued till 3.30 pm. A note of thanks giving was given by a jeyaseelan, to everyone including mike who despite his age and preoccupation at his new parish, for having come to coordinate the meeting, gnanaraj for sending SMS and contacts to make this meeting to happen and Tony for having arranged the Pastoral Centre for the meeting. Special thanks were given to new comers Auxilia Peter (Women’s’ Commission), Adaikalasamy (ex YCS) , Joe Kennedy (ex DBYC), John Britto (ex-AICUFer), the activists from the Women’s Self Help Group, Thiruvottriyur, Rosy and Carmel Santhanam( ex AIM). Due to paucity of time, there was no spiritual or theological reflection on the work done in the last year. However, the meeting was a catalyst in all the members to continue to do their work in spirited manner, and rededicate their life for the cause of societal change.

This is draft minutes and members are requested to send their corrections to comments section of my blogsite appended below.
P S The next theological conference on ABOLITION OF CASTE is to be held at Fatima College, Madurai from 5th to 6th November 2007. Boarding and lodging free Registration fee is Rs 50/- register with Anthony Fernandez

Birthday wishes to Joan Deepa (d/o Sara & Arul) and Santa Maria(d/o Tony & Maria) 16th October and John Divian (s/o Sara & Arul) 31st October.

With best wishes
(Gnanaraj T X)
Co-ordinator , 9444937659
M C Michael 9840261623, Anthony Fernandez 9444006334/ Josephraj 9443326295/ Gnanaraj 9444937659, Sara 9444210097, Sheela 9840997999, Armstrong 9884022274, Angelis 9381020149, Jeyaseelan 9841979928, Dheepam 9444330393, Dheesmas 9444028871, James Victor 9443131231, Joseph Kennedy 9380066172, Lasar 9486650016, Rita Devanesan 9443710133, Rosario 9840251065, Susairaj 9444287738, Tensingh 9444248879, Xavier 9841801028

V GERALD, 13/10, SOUTH BOAG ROAD, T NAGAR, CHENNAI 600017 9444917397
A K JOSEPH KENNEDY, 495, 14TH EAST CROSS ST, M K B NAGAR, CHENNAI 600059 26736172/9380066172/9380303670
ROSY SANTHANAM, 9840111517

Please visit the blogsite for the current and previous minutes: www:

Monday, October 01, 2007

I wish to thank you for having published a new item on the Sunday New Indian Express on Ms Chandra Lekha – the oxymoron – by Geetha Doctor. I wish to share the following.

It is hard to believe the diva of the neo Bharat natyam exponent is no more. I vividly remember exactly 26 years ago during November 1980 I and my friend Rita Rayan had gone to SKILLS – the organization where Ms Chandra Lekha stayed in Besant Nagar, Chennai. We had gone there to collect some posters on the women’s issues from SKILLS which had published many posters. We were greeted by Ms Chandra Lekha . Even though were total strangers to her, the moment she heard that we required posters for exhibition, she warmly appreciated us and invited us to be introduced to Mr Sadananda Menon.

I have been watching the lady growing in to a legend. She is an icon and an iconoclast. She is a legend and also the destroyer of the legend. The life and times of Ms Chandra Lekha are historical and path breaking. She broke down the traditional barriers and taboos linked to classical dance Bharat natyam.

Generally the dance form of Bharat natyam is to have religious and holy themes with traditional silk sarees, ornaments etc to be danced in the court of kings and nobles. In fact the form was almost high jacked bycertain community as the only proponents of this classical dance. Even the original teachers (“gurus”) were sidelined. Any change to the form and content was resented and treated as rebellion. When any change was considered as subversion against this great classical dance, Ms Chandra Lekha had the courage and bravery to stand up. Traditionally all the teachers (“gurus”) of classical dance followed the great tradition (“parampara”).

The Bharat natyam dance without silk saree, ornaments, holy and religious themes was an anathema. In art form the form and content are complementary and harmonizing. Chandra took the liberty which none dared in the long history of Bharat natyam dancing to introduce new look in terms of dress, ornaments, themes and “bahva”. In fact she democratized the form to hold ordinary and common place themes. However, it was not without opposition. She was ridiculed, derided, and laughed at by the majority of whom are “sabha” dancers.

Ms Chandra Lekha was also a feminist and it is rare to find feminists among classical dancers. For the very canvas of classical dance is conformity which Chandra Lekha fought relentlessly. Her death has created a greatest irrevocable vacuum among the feminists for she blended the classical and modern feminism with such ease and poise.

Ms Chandra Lekha is to be respected as one of the greatest artist who experimented the medium of Bharat natyam to introduce common place themes as against the traditional holy and religious themes. Probably her admirers should institute an award to encourage the path paved by Ms Chandra Lekha. She is to be counted with some of the archetypal legends like Tutankhamen, Prometheus, Spartacus, and others

D Xavier Gnanaraj, Ayanavaram, Chennai 23
NJO REACH OUT is a voluntary association of individuals working at the New Join Office, Southern Railway, Ayanavaram, Chennai 23 who have expressed overt interest in social concerns like relief work for earthquake, flood, tsunami victims and other social causes.

From 2005 onwards NJO REACH OUT is awarding Annual School Toppers Award for SSLC (10th) students of the Railway Colony Aided High School, Ayanavaram, Chennai 23. The cash award consists of two first prizes of Rs 2000/- each and two second prizes of Rs 1500/- each and the staff of New Joint Office, Ayanavaram, generously contributes towards the awards.

Annual School Toppers Award for the year 2006-07 was held on 11th September 2007. Shri M Jeychandren, IRAS, FA&CAO/S&W/PER, Shri R Kuppan, IRSME, CWM/LW/PER, Shri P Balan, IRPS, Dy CPO/LW/PER were the special invitees who awarded the prizes.

The award winners are P K Divya, B Vennila from girls and J Udyakumar, R Karthikeyan from boys. The percentage of pass has dramatically increased from 43 to 70 over the last year. Pulavar Purushothaman, the HM appreciated the efforts of the NJO REACHOUT /PER and proposed the vote of thanks.

Convenor: Xavier Gnanaraj 9444937659

NJO REACH OUT is nothing but you and us.

The ninth issue for the year 2007 and twenty-fifth from inception is in your hands. NJO REACH OUT wishes those NJO staff whose Birthdays and Wedding Anniversaries fall during September 2007.


For the first time in the annals of the FA&CAO/W&S/PER, three days seminar was organized by the Workshop Accounts Office on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of August 2007. It was instantaneously popular and attracted accolades from all quarters. Recently the Workshop Accounts Office along with CEWE/PER obtained the ISO 2000 certificates. True to obtaining of ISO 2000, the Workshop Accounts Office has launched prestigious programmes. In all the three days, the best questions were presented with gifts. On the last day, the best organizers, the event managers, the best trainers were presented with awards. The credit goes to Shri K Ramasubramonia Pillai, DY FA&CAO/W/PER for scrupulous planning, meticulous execution, the allotment of port folios, every event was thought of earlier including presentation of bouquets, shawls etc to the dignitaries.

The three days seminar witnessed tremendous welcome from staff of both the Workshop Accounts and executive offices. It has brought out the immense talents our senior supervisors have been hiding all along. It brought about camaraderie between the Workshop Accounts Office and the executive staff.

Shri M Jeychandren FA&CAO/S&W/PER inaugurated the seminar. The first day seminar was devoted to the passing of suppliers, contractors and miscellaneous bills, allocation, misclassification etc. the xloco section, budget, books, costing and WC section staff participated along with the executive staff. It was dynamic interaction between them and cleared doubts on the passing of bills etc. Shri R Kuppan, CWM/LW/PER in his own inimitable style made a presentation on the expectation during the valedictory function in the evening.

Shri M Jeychandren FA&CAO/S&W/PER inaugurated the seminar on the second day. The seminar was devoted to the passing of claims pertaining to employees and Pensioners etc. The E Audit Section besides, Wages, Pension, PF, E Suspense and Incentive section staff participated along with the Personnel Branch staff of executive offices. It was truly participatory, as the PB staff participated with full vigor and strength. Being the day devoted to staff matters, the organized unions of NJO/PER also actively participated. Shri B Raikwar, CWM/CW/PER shared his expectation from the Workshop Accounts Office during the valedictory function in the evening.

Shri M Jeychandren FA&CAO/S&W/PER inaugurated the seminar on the third and penultimate day. The seminar was devoted to the vetting of estimates, NS indents, and miscellaneous finance proposals all pertaining to finance functions. , the E Finance sections (seven of them) Mechanical Budgeting, other section staff participated along with the executive staff including staff from CME/MAS, CSTE/MAS, CSC/RPF/MAS, MD/RH/PER etc . During the noon, Shri Vijayakumar, CEWE/PER shared his vision of expectation from accounts office.

The grand finale to the seminar came on the third day’s valedictory session. Dr S Ram Mohan, Ph D, FA&CAO/MAS, and Shri Saraf, CWE/MAS graced the seminar during the valedictory function in the evening. Shri Saraf, CWE/MAS made a presentation through PowerPoint about the expectation from the accounts office. Almost all the executive staff pointed out the shortcomings, omission, and commission at Accounts Office. On the last day, all the accounts officers of NJO/PER both stores and workshop participated.

Dr S Ram Mohan, Ph D, FA&CAO/MAS in his valedictory address pointed out the role of finance as a complimentary and not contradictory. He shared a number of anecdotes to highlight his point. Thus, the seminar brought out the voluminous talents the accounts staff have and their ability to face the staff of executive offices face to face and give excellent rendering of their knowledge and experience. The only thought of every one in the seminar was why no cash awards were announced on the last day by Dr S Ram Mohan, FA&CAO/MAS or Shri M Jeychandren FA&CAO/S&W/PER

August 6th and 9th were celebrated as anti nuclear day all over the world. During the World War II, in retaliation to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour, the American planes dropped atom bomb on Hiroshima on August 6th and on Nagasaki on August 9th. The combined heat and blast pulverized everything in the explosion's immediate vicinity, generated spontaneous fires that burned almost 4.4 square miles completely out, and killed between 70,000 and 80,000 people, besides injuring more than 70,000 others. In Nagasaki on August 9, between 35,000 and 40,000 were people killed, injured a like number, and devastated 1.8 square miles.

The city of Chennai turned 368 years on August 24th. The week long celebrations of Chennai city started from 17th August and included heritage walking, visit to places of historical importance, talks on heritage, exhibition of rare artifacts, coins, postal stamps, etc.

Selvan Mohana Krishna, S/O Smt K S Lakshmi Saradha & Shri K Subrahmanyam Selvi Lakshmi Soujanya D/O Smt Geetha Kumari and Shri B Ramakrishna were married on 25th August 2007 at G V S Kalyana Mandapam Bhimavaram, AP. Many staff and Officers from NJO/PER and other offices attended the reception on Tuesday 28th August 2007 at MSR Mahal Pursaiwakkam, Chennai. NJOREACH OUT prays the choicest blessings for the newly wedded couple and congratulates Smt K S Lakshmi Saradha & Shri K Subrahmanyam

Selvan K Madan and Selvi E V Pavithra D/O Smt M Jayanthi and Shri E D Vijayakumar AA were married on 30th August 2007 at Sri Ranga Mahal Kolathur, Chennai 99. Many staff and Officers from NJO/PER and other offices attended the reception on Wednesday 29th August 2007 at the same premises. NJOREACH OUT prays the choicest blessings for the newly wedded couple and congratulates Smt M Jayanthi and Shri E D Vijayakumar

Smt Hema Ashok, Sr So / X Finance, attended one week training at C-TARA, Secunderabad, on the management of professional skills.

Mr. Whitehead continuously met with catastrophes. Somehow, he was bearing with these. One day he lost his patience. He let out a loud cry “Oh God Why do you send so many problems to me while others are so happy in this world. I want to drop all my problems at your place. Let me know where to meet you”. God agreed to meet him and accept his burdens. He went around to a large playground where even before his arrival so many persons were waiting with bundles of burdens, most of them bigger than his. Nevertheless, he waited for God to appear. Suddenly there was some commotion. Everybody rushed to meet God who just entered the playground. Everyone was pleading to God to take out his or her burdens. Mr. Whitehead was frightened by the size of the burdens of most people. He stood still. God came near to him and asked him, “Mr. Whitehead what are you doing? Have you not come to swap your bundle of problems? What prevents you now?” Still Mr. Whitehead was silent. He realized that every one had problems and most of them were bigger. After all, he was foolish to ask God to take his burdens. He said firmly,” Thank you God for your presence here. However, I have changed my mind after seeing so many persons with greater sorrows. Let me live with my problems. However God give me one boon”. God said “it’s Granted”. Mr. Whitehead said, “I shall not pray to God, Lord do not give me problems. However during my problematic days give me the courage and perseverance to bear with those problems”. Mr. Whitehead returned home wiser, saner, and sober.

Staffs are encouraged to contribute to the newsletter. It is intended to bring a community spirit among the staff of NJO/PER. Any event in the office and personal profiles of exception may be sent for inclusion.

The Third School Toppers Awards are to be distributed at 11 am on the 11th September 2007 at the school premises (just behind NJO/PER). Shri M Jeychandren, FA&CAO/S&W/PER and Shri R Kuppan CWM/LW/PER have agreed to grace the function.

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NJO REACH OUT is nothing but you and us.

The eighth issue for the year 2007 and twenty-fourth from inception is in your hands. NJO REACH OUT wishes those NJO staff whose Birthdays and Wedding Anniversaries fall during August 2007.

The year 2007 is a milestone in the history of this great country. A woman is elected as the President of India and housed in Raisina Hill the official residence of the President. Even the greatest democratic country like the USA could not even dream of such an event. No non- white, non-Christian and woman has ever been elected as the President of the USA. She is Pratibha Patel Shekawat M A LL B. She was an MLA in the Maharashtra Assembly 1967-85. She was Deputy Minister in Maharashtra for the Departments of Health, Prohibition, Tourism, and Housing etc during 1967-72. Again she was the Social Welfare Minister in Maharashtra during 1972-74, State Minister for Health in Maharashtra 1974-75, State Minister for Prohibition and Cultural Affairs in Maharashtra 1975-76, State Minister for Education, Maharashtra 1977-78, Leader of the Opposition during 1979-1980; State Housing Minister, Maharashtra 1982-1985; member of Rajya Sabha 1985-1990; Deputy Chairperson of Rajya Sabha 1986-88. Finally, she assumed the gubernatorial post of Governor of State of Rajasthan in 2004. Further, she established women’s hostels in Delhi and Mumbai. She established Rural Engineering College at Jalgoan, Maharashtra for the youth. She was also the Managing Trustee of the Shramdhana Trust at Mumbai. She launched the Govt sponsored Magila Vikas Mandal. She started a school for the blind, and a formal school for the children of tribal folk. She launched the first ever Women Cooperative Bank in Maharashtra State. She was a delegate to the UN sponsored International Social Welfare Conferences at Nairobi and Puerto Ricoh. She was the leader of the women’s delegation to the UN Conference on the Status of Women at Austria and Bulgaria. She was a participant in the UN sponsored International Conference on “The Status of Women” at Beijing, China. She launched the first ever women only Home Guards at Maharashtra State. She launched nursery schools for the children of backward classes. The life and career of this woman is totally dedicated to the people of India. Despite many opposition in the form of slander and defame campaign from various quarters, she is finally elected as the first ever woman President of India.

Shri Thomas Varghese GM SRLY voluntarily retired on 17th July to join the Railway Rates Tribunal as Member Economic, after a stint of two years as GM SRLY. The 1969 IRTS batch officer had served on various capacities in the S RLY including that of DRM, CCM, CVO and SDGM. For a brief period, he was DRM/TVC. Later he was elevated as GM Northern Railway in 2005 and within a short period of six months, he joined S RLY as GM. Incidentally his uncle Shri John was the GM SRLY in 1950s. His father was Chief Secretary to Govt of Tamil Nadu and so was his brother Shri T V Antony. Unfortunately, none of their children is in Civil Services today. Shri Thomas Varghese is a very popular person for his easily approachable nature and magnanimity. During his tenure as CVO and SDGM he was helped many staff who were falsely implicated in vigilance cases. This GM is known as story telling GM all over the railway. He and his spouse Rita Thomas are staying in their house at Perungudi. Smt Rita Thomas had taken special interest in helping staff with heart ailment and urinary problems as the President of SRWWO. Also she had shown special attention to the mentally challenged children of railway staff in the Ashraya/Egmore. His son is in the United States of America and daughter is settled in Cochin. NJO REACH OUT /PER wishes him all the best in his post SRLY and RRT life.

LOCOMOTIVE WORKSHOP/PERAMBUR celebrates platinum jubilee this year. To mark this occasion, a Platinum Jubilee Auditorium, a Heritage Museum etc were declared opened by Shri Thomas Varghese GM/S RLY on the 14th July 2007. The Locomotive Workshop popularly known as Loco works was segregated from the Carriage Wagon Workshops with the view to overhaul steam locomotives, the iron horses of the past era. It is worthwhile to remember, that the LOCO works will always be remembered by the progeny for its excellent revival of the “FAIRIE QUEENE”, the oldest serving steam loco in the world. The Loco Workshops/Perambur revived the silent beauty in the rail museum at New Delhi to run on the railroads.

The association is gradually picking up acceleration due to series of activities during the couple of months. During July 28th and 29th about 45 members and their families visited Yercaud, Salem. Yercaud is called poor man’s Ooty for its pristine forests, mountains, rivulets, streams, and the short heights compared to Kodai and Ooty. In short it is yet to be commercilaised. The team stayed at the Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Board lodgings. On Saturday the team visited the local sites at Yercaud. They stayed at the top gear on the day and had variety of cultural programmes by the team members. It was a lovely evening to enjoy the talents of the railway employees. The next day Sunday the team visited the Mettur Dam, which was full to the brim due to copious rains at the catchments area of the Cauvery River at Karnataka.

Shri Baskar, APO/Ele/PER has joined NJO/PER as the SPO/S/PER. NJO REACHOUT/PER wishes him all the best and welcome to the NJO/PER.

NJO REACHOUT/PER congratulates all the new section officers who are promoted on account of cadre restructuring in the accounts branch. Also it welcomes other Section Officers who have joined this office recently. NJO REACHOUT/PER wishes all success in their endevours and efforts in their new portfolios.
The Third School Toppers’ Award is to be distributed to the students of the railway colony aided high school, which is situated behind NJO/PER. The date and time will be shortly announced.
There was a young man in the United States of America. He was one of the pioneers of the industry. He worked like a monster and never used to rest. He wanted to convert every minute of his life on earth into dollars. At the age of 33 he earned his first million dollars. Within the next ten years at the age of 43 he was one of the richest man in the world and a billionaire. To achieve the dizzying heights, he lost the hairs on his head, eyebrows and eyes. His weekly earnings were million dollars. However, he could only munch soft biscuits and milk. He was advised by his doctors against any other food. He never loved any one. He was cruel with his employees and competitors. The oil wells of Pennsylvania still cry out against his cruelty. People who were thrown out by him hanged his effigy publicly. That was the anger the people had for him. Yet he was one of the richest men of the world. When he attained the age of 53, his doctors advised him that probably he would not live to see his next birthday. The fear of death tortured him. He spent sleepless nights in his bed. He realized none of his dollar could save his life from the cruel jaws of death. His death was certain. He realized that money is not a matter to be saved but to be spent on the welfare of the needy and the poor. One fine morning he called his attorneys to launch a global foundation to help the people in need, the poor, the desolate children, and the lowly persons without a meal. A huge part of his millions of dollars were diverted for charity, foundation and missionary works all over the world. His acts of charities knew no boundaries. Those are a legion. Instead of cursing and condemnation, he started receiving blessings, love, prayers and wishes and good tidings from all sorts of people from all over the world. His health greatly improved. He became a normal man. He ate normal meal. He slept well. He loved every one. He responded to any act of kindness. His doctors were amazed at the speed of his recovery. He realized that the more you give the double than that one would receive. He became the living example for the saying. His act of charity increased his life span from 53 years to 98 years. That was the blessing of the Lord to any one who gives, gives happily. The man was none other than Mr. John D Rockefeller, founder of the Rockefeller Foundation.
Staffs are encouraged to contribute to the newsletter. It is intended to bring a community spirit among the staff of NJO/PER. Any event in the office and personal profiles of exception may be sent for inclusion.

Monday, July 16, 2007

NJO REACH OUT is nothing but you and us.

The seventh issue for the year 2007 and twenty-third from inception is in your hands. NJO REACH OUT wishes those NJO staff whose Birthdays and Wedding Anniversaries fall during July 2007.

Indian Railways and ICICI bank singed a memorandum of understating in New Delhi on 15 the February 2007 for extending the sale of the e-tickets through merchant establishments located across 125 cities all over the country. Speaking on the occasion, the Railway Minister Shri Lalu Prasad said that Indian railways’ policy is to provide maximum facilities to the passengers at their doorsteps so is to make their journey by railways comfortable. The web-enabled services through e-points of sale (e-POS) machines located at merchant establishments/shopping malls in over 125 cites allover the country will enable dispensation of reserved ticked to the common people apart from the exiting service of e-ticketing and I-ticketing. The tickets can be purchased through credit card/debit cards/cash one payment of service charges /surcharges as per Visa/Master card rules.

The Italian Minister for infrastructure Mr. Antonio Di Pietro called on the union e minister of railways Shri Lalu Prasad in New Delhi to discuss the various aspects of railway working which can pave the way for future bilateral cooperation between the two countries in rail transport sector. The minister said that the IR have adopted a strategy to evolve Public Private Partnership (PPP) to the maximum extent and a number of projects have been identified on PPP route. These are construction of new Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC), modernization f railway stations with world-class passenger amenities, commercial utilization of vacant railway land and operation of container trains etc.

Since the women’s decade announced by the UN, women continue to make strides in the so-called male bastions. To crown such efforts, Smt Sabita Gopal an IRAS officer of 1971 batch has taken over as the GM for ICF. She is the first ever woman GM in the annals of the ICF. Known as a tough seat for even male appointees, Smt Sabita Gopal as at ease probably because it was home coming for her. She had her earliest stint as accounts officer three decades ago in the same ICF. Hailing from Madurai, she has been in various railways as a successful woman careerist. Her husband Shri Madan Gopal is a retired Director General of Military Operations, New Delhi. On behalf of the accounts staff of NJO /PER, Smt Jayanthi AA, Shri Muralidhar Sr So / S Ledger and Shri D Xavier Gnanaraj AFA/WII met her in her chamber on 3rd July to convey the best wishes. She was very cordial and humble and enquired about Joint Office where she had worked in 1975 as JAO/Stores. NJOREACHOUT/PER wishes her all the best in her new posting as GM ICF.

Earlier on 30th June Dr P Raja Goundan Ph D retired as GM ICF. A farewell party was hosted in his honur at the Integral Club on 30th June at 8.30 pm. A host of officers and club members who are both from ICF and southern railway had gathered together to see him off. ICF staff and officers will remember Dr Raja Goundan and Smt Sri Devi Goundan for a very long time as their pro-labour and easily approachable character. During the floods in October 2005, he and his spouse personally went around in the ICF south colony distributing food and relief materials which had won not only laurels but also won the undisputed loyalty of the ICF labour who are supposed to be very tough. The hearts of such tough employees just melted away before Dr Raja Goundan whose simplicity and humane approach like the mist with the advent of the sun. Amidst so many official duties he set apart time for the welfare of the members of the integral club and introduced a number of training facilities for classical dances, tennis, badminton, swimming and a gymnasium. While addressing 300 strong gathering at the integral club, he admitted that he was thankful to the Lord and the Railways who have helped him to raise such heights. He humorously admitted that he was able to get a doctorate in electrical engineering, from Anna University at the age of fifty. Smt V G Bhooma DyCPO/G/ICF aptly said the she would not wish him post retirement life but post-ICF life. She added that he lived apt to his name Raja having won the hearts of so many people. The integral club honored him with a life honorable membership of the club.

DATE WITH ANTIQUITY: K V Nithyanandam, retired SAO/W&S/PER visited this office for obtaining post retirement complementary pass. He is settled in Jawahar Nagar, Chennai-82. Prior to his elevation as AAO in 1977, he worked as TIA in the Traffic Accounts Office/MAS. He has four daughters married and well settled. The eldest is a graduate in pharmacy and live in Chennai. The husband of second daughter is a group captain in the Indian Air Force. The husband of third daughter is employed in the dept of atomic energy in New Delhi. The husband of fourth daughter is an instrumentation engineer in M/s Saint Gobain, Chennai. He has been blessed well by God and he is very much contented in life. NJO REACHOUT wishes him and his spouse many more years of healthy and active life.

V ULAVAN (21/05/1954-14/06/2007)
Our companion and a great supporter NJO REACHOUT/PER, a leading trade unionist and the ever-smiling V Ulavan AA is no more. The cruel fate has snatched him from amongst us all of a sudden. He attended office on the fateful day 14th June and was in a pensive mood. Around 3.30 pm, he went to the canteen to have tea with his friends. He had a sudden stroke and was rushed to RH/PER. Alas! It was declared that he was brought dead. On hearing the sad news host of his relatives, staff, officers and friends started to converge in RH/PER. Every one was dismayed and shocked. His smile was contagious and could win any one he met. From Shri M Jeychandren FA&CAO/S&W/PER to the Class IV was at the RH/PER. Most of the staff and officers were in a state of shock as he was such a jovial and extrovert in his character. Whenever, any help is required either in office matters or personal or social he would be there as the first volunteer. The cremation took place on the 15th June. His spouse Smt Revathi and daughter Selvi Prretha Anandhi who is her final year MBA survive him. May this great soul rest in peace. A condolence meeting at NJO was held on the 18th June in which the entire staff participated. Further on behalf of the AIRMSA Shri C M Singh had conducted another lunch hour condolence meeting to extol the greatness called Ulavan.

The Purpose of Life
There are two world religions are eliminated from their birth countries, namely Buddhism and Christianity. However, despite opposition in their birth countries, both religions known for their compassion to the downtrodden have spread everywhere.. Thus Buddhism has spread its wings in the South East Asia and the Far East. There was a monastery dedicated to the memory of Lord Buddha in Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand. The image of the Buddha in the shrine was made up of clay. The faithful used to be amazed at the simple statue of Buddha. Thousands of faithful used to throng the shrine. One day, the authorities wanted to relocate the shrine in a larger space and decided to shift the clay Buddha. There was a national outcry against the “sacrilege”. Some cursed the authorities; some accused of imperial machinations of the US, some of the aliens’ plot to decry the national shrine. Nevertheless, the authorities were firm. When the statute was moving to the new place, there were heavy rains. The statue was melting in the lashing rains. Some considered it as bad omen; some others considered as evil, some considered as Lord Buddha’s disapproval for the change. To everyone’s awe and surprise, as the rains lashed out at the open clay statue of Buddha, a golden Buddha emerged from the mud. The onlookers were spellbound and awestruck to look at the dazzling and glittering golden Buddha. No one had the slightest imagination that there could be a golden Buddha inside the simple and rustic clay Buddha. It reveals the inner being in every one of us. It is made up of gold and precious stones but we rarely recognize its worth. Let us experience our inner self and be golden Buddha and not a clay Buddha.

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Staffs are encouraged to contribute to the newsletter. It is intended to bring a community spirit among the staff of NJO/PER. Any event in the office and personal profiles of exception may be sent for inclusion.
NJO REACH OUT is nothing but you and us.

The sixth issue for the year 2007 and twenty-second from inception is in your hands. NJO REACH OUT wishes those NJO staff whose Birthdays and Wedding Anniversaries fall during June 2007.

The 52nd Railway Week celebrations of Indian railways were held from 10 16 April 2007 all over the Indian Railways in commemoration of the first rain run on Indian soil on 16th April 1853 between Bombay and Thane. As a part of these celebrations, the main Railway Week function of the Indian railways was held, don 16th April 207 at Shilpakala Vedika, an international convention center in Hyderabad hosted by South Central Railways. Shri Lalu Prasad, Minister of Railways, was the Chief Guest and Shri Naranbhai Rathwa, Minister of State for Railways Shri J P Batra Chairman, Railway Board, members Railway Board, Secretary Railway Board, General Managers of the 16 Zonal Railways and Production Units and other participated in the function. Bedsides, individual awards for outstanding services 2007 from the entire Indian Railways and employees of South Central Railways participated in the event. On the occasion, Shri Lalu Prasad presented 264 individual awards to railway men and women including one posthumous award. The Railway Minister also presented prizes to 26 officers and staff for their best performance in scarp disposal and another eight to the winners in Railway Minster’s essay competitions. The MR also gave the 15-efficiency shield to zonal railways for outstanding performance in various fields.


The month of May was too hot for the Chennaites. Normally Chennai gets some tender summer showers with mild lightening. However, this year the Mother Nature was too harsh with us. The mercury point soared to 47.5 degree Celsius. Normally the Chennai city used to get relief from the scorching sun from the sea breeze, which sets in the evening at 2.30 pm. This year the sea breeze could not set even at 6 pm. Scientists point too many reasons for the harsh summer not only in Chennai but also all over the world. Global warming due to continuous burning of carbon oxides, the ozone layer is punctured beyond repair. The melting of icebergs in the arctic does not augur well for the island nations, which are just at sea levels e.g., Maldives, Solomon Islands and the innumerous island nations in the Polynesia and Micronesia. Some point out that the deforestation due to the unbridled greed of humanity also has contributed to the global warming. In the final analysis, it is the ordinary people, who have no social security net, (unorganized, rural, and urban poor) have to withstand the worst of the heat. Nevertheless, the Chennaites could not be trapped in the city to face the harsh summer. People, immediately after the annual summer vacations are announced in april, had started to move to hill resorts to cool them. The most popular destinations are Kodaikanal, Ooty, Yercaud, Yelagiri etc. some even beat the heat by traveling to the North touching Nainital, Rishikesh, Badrinath, Kedarnath, Simla, Darjeeling etc.

The LDCE for Accounts Branch results are published. NJO REACHOUT congratulates the successful candidates S/Shri P Jagadeesan, Sr TIA/T/MAS, K Srinivasan Sr SO/HQ/MAS( previously he worked in NJO/PER), SRIKANTH Sr SO/MAS DIVN, V RAJENDRAN Sr SO/TPJ DIVN and wishes them good tidings. May they contribute to the overall efficiency of the Accounts Dept and the welfare of the staff working under them. The written test results were quite encouraging out of 256 candidates 6 from OC, 26 from SC and 6 from ST had qualified for the viva voce. NJO REACHOUT also congratulates Dr S Ram Mohan for the quick announcement of the results. The results were released along with immediate posting orders.
Transfers: Shri Senthamil Selvan Sr AFA/GSD/PER who joined this office on promotional transfer, is transferred as Sr AFA/Cn/MDU. Unfortunately, he could not stay here for more than a month. It is hoped he would join this office after some time. In his place, Shri S Sasiraman, Sr AFA on leave, has joined. NJO REACHOUT wishes the best for the outgoing and the incumbent officers.
House warming: Smt Jayamani Puvaneson, AA Costing Section had conducted the Gruhapravesam at their newly built house Sri Raja Rajeswari Illam, at Suraj Avenue, Madapuram Mudichur, Chennai 48 on the 4th May 2007. NJO REACHOUT wishes the abundance blessings of God on their newly built houses and Sri T Karunanithi Puvaneson, PAO/S, K Preethi and K Adithya.

Lead kindly light: NJO REACH OUT has planned to conduct the Third School Toppers’ Awards during July for the students of Railway Colony Aided High School just behind our office as done in the last two years. While thanking those kind hearts that contributed for the last year’s gift we appeal to them and others to contribute generously for this year. The exact date and time will be displayed later in the month.

First death anniversary: This June marks the first death anniversary of the passing away of Shri Jayakumar, Sr AFA/Cn/MS IRAS 2000 batch, due to oral cancer. It is also remembered that the NJO/PER has met such tragic deaths due to various types of cancer. Wife of Hassan Koya, SR SO, Jayanth Kumar, AFA/MTP, Sripathy, Sr SO, wife of Pugalenthiselvan, Dy CMM/PER, wife of Madanakumr, SMM/ Electircal /PER have met with this fatal disease. NJO REACH OUT suggests staff to undergo early voluntary testing for suspected malign tumors. It is better readers go for cancer awareness program to keep it at a length.

Abdullah and Jamal were good neighbors in Damascus. Both were god fearing and prayerful. While Jamal had a meat shop Abdullah had a cloth shop in the main streets of Damascus. It is one of the fundamental duties of every Muslim to visit the holy shrines at Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia. They had saved some money to meet the travel expenses. The day finally arrived. When Jamal and Abdullah set out to Mecca, just beyond the city in the outskirts they heard wailing and crying from a home. Inquisitively they approached the home and found two little children were sitting near a woman and crying. Abdullah when asked the lady what had happened, she replied just then she came to know that her husband died and his body being brought to home. She further said that she had no money to bury him and there was no one who could help her. Jamal was little skeptical about the story and urged Abdullah to leave the home at once. However, Abdullah was full of compassion and said to Jamal to proceed to Mecca and offer his offerings there on behalf of him. He would stay with the woman and would arrange to bury the body of her husband and look after the children for a while. Reluctantly Jamal left the place. After a few weeks, Abdullah returned home. All his friends and relatives were jubilant to see him and surprisingly Jamal was there. Jamal told in a loud voice how Abdullah had come to Mecca after he told that he would like to be with the hapless family. Abdullah was astounded. How he went to Mecca. He was bewildered. To make him further confused Jamal said that he had seen and called him so many times in the holy city but he did not hear him at all. Jamal realized that god himself should have been present in Mecca in the image of Abdullah, as he had decided to help the poor.
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Staffs are encouraged to contribute to the newsletter. It is intended to bring a community spirit among the staff of NJO/PER. Any event in the office and personal profiles of exception may be sent for inclusion.