Thursday, August 28, 2008

JULY 2008 VOLUME 4.7

The seventh issue for the year 2008 and 34th from inception is in your hands. NJO REACH OUT wishes those NJO staff whose Birthdays and Wedding Anniversaries fall during July 2008.
INDO-BANGLADESH INTERNATIONAL EXPRESS: Since 1965, there was no passenger rail link between India and East Pakistan (later Bangladesh). Before partition in 1947, there was a regular overnight services from Calcutta to Galandu and further up to Dacca (Dhaka) via Narayanagunj. After the 1971 war due to which the nation of Bangladesh was born, in 1972 freight services were started but lacked patronage. Hence, the Maitree Express-International bi-weekly Passenger train between Kolkatta and Dhaka Cantonment(Bangladesh) was flagged off in a colorful function at Kolkata station by Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Minister For External Affairs on 14th April 2008, on the auspicious day of Bengalese ie Poila Baishaki. The event assumed great historical importance that after a long gap of 42 years passenger services were started between India and Bangladesh.

Shri Lalu Prasad Yadav, Minister for Railways, visited the International Business School, INSEAD, Singapore. There he laid b are the secrets of the now famous “great turn around” of the Indian Railways. The credit goes to 14 Lakhs railway employees who in a team spirit worked with full dedication and made Indian Railways to earn billions of rupees despite reduction in –passer fares. Further, he added that the turn around was achieved without retrenching any employee and without increasing he passer fare, rather the fares have been reduced.

M/s IRCON CLINCHES THE MALAYSIAN RAILWAY PROJECT: Amidst tough international competition, M/s IRCON clinched the Malaysian railway project. The electrified double tracking project between Seramban and Gemas, Malaysia is awarded to M/s IRCON.
INDO-FRENCH TIE UP: FRANCE is interested in forging ties with Indian Railways in specific areas like freight corridor, safety, telecommunications, rolling stock, locomotives, and rakes and high speed trains. Hence, a MOU was signed between Indian Raiwlays and SNCF International (French Ralways) on 14th May 2008.
Shri B Singaiah, DY CVO/ACCTS/MAS is posted as DGM/G/MAS. This is the first time an accounts officer has assumed charge as DGM/G/MAS. NJO REACHOUT wishes him all the very best.
Smt K Bhuvasneswari, Sr DFM/PGT has joined in his place as DY CVO/ACCTS/MAS. This is the first time a lady accounts officer has assumed charge as DY CVO/Accounts. NJO REACHOUT sends her best wishes in her new endeavors.

An avalanche of transfers has hit the Accounts Office/PER. First Shri M Jeychandren, FA&CAO/S&W/PER then Shri K Ramasubramonia Pillai, DY FA&CAO/W, Shri B Srinivasan, DY FA&CAO/S, followed by Shri K Rajakumar, SR AFA/WI/PER. Shri P Nagarajan, SR AFA/S/PER , Shri K Sunderrajan, SR AFA/CS/PER, and finally Shri S K Natarajan AFA/S I . Shri M Jeychandren, is posted as Addl Director General Common Wealth Games, New Delhi on deputation. Shri K Ramasubramonia Pillai, is posted as Addl Registrar, RCT/MAS. Shri B Srinivasan has joined as Sr EDPM/MAS. Shri K Rajakumar, is posted as DFM/TVC. Shri P Nagarajan, is posted in the same scale to South East Central Railway Bilaspur. Shri K Sunderrajan, is posted as SR AFA/T/TPJ. Shri S K Natarajan is posted as Sr AFA/SW/MAS. NJO REACHOUT wishes all the very best to the out going officers and wish good tidings in their new postings.
Shri N Vijay Raghavan, has joined as Sr AFA/WI on promotion. Earlier he was AFA/CN/MS. Earlier he worked at clerical level in NJO/PER.
Shri N Mohan is posted as Sr AFA/S/PER. Earlier he was on deputation with M/S CONCOR/MAS. Earlier he had worked as AAO/PRS/MAS and AAO/SN/MAS.
NJO REACHOUT wishes all the very best to the in coming officers and wish them success in their new postings.
NJO Cultural Association had arranged one day trip to Pazhaverkaadu (Lake Pulicate) on the 14th June. A tourist bus was hired to carry the staff and their families from NJO/PER at 9 am. The families had great times at the islands in the lake. Shri Kalimuthu, the PB staff had managed the Catering. Food was delicious. They had cooking arrangement in the campus of Magimai Matha church, the oldest church dating to 1425 AD. Later they move to the lake in boats. Shri V S Muralidhar, Sr SO/SL, Shri Thomas Babu, AA, Shri T Jawahar, AA, Shri Naveen Kannnan, Shri G Nandakumar played very active roles. More than outing, it was the spirit of togetherness and warmth that mattered most. The children got the exposure to other families and immensely benefited the most.

tThe association has planned a longer tour to Vizagapattinam, Arakku Valley, Burra caves etc during the first week of October 2008. Those who want to join may contact Shri Thomas Babu, AA immediately. Already some 35 have registered their names for the tour.

The annual school toppers award sponsored by the staff of NJO/PER through NJO REACHOUT/PER to the students of the Railway Colony Aided High School, Ayanavaram, behind NJO/PER, Chennai is likely to be held in the third week of July. Kindly donate generously to continue this work for the fourth year in succession

Little Chandra was as usual went to class. She saw Meenu, Shilu, Shiny, Saras, and her other class mates. The first period started as usual with her class teacher. When she was teaching the pathetic story of Oliver Twist by Goldsmith, a stern voice came from the sound box of her class room. The principal Mrs. Andal was on the loud speaker with her blaring voice. “Children be attentive. We have some visitors from educational dept to make a surprise check. Please co-operate with them.” The loud speaker went off. Within a few minutes, a few well dressed men and women came in to her class room. One of the ladies walked straight to Chandra. “Come on little child what is your name and your her parents’ names?” She then asked “Chandra what do you like the most?” Chandra boldly replied “Miss I like fever very much” . The lady and others were startled. With a queer face the lady asked” why Chandra of everything you must like to get fever?”. Chandra said “only when I am sick my mother will sit with me without going to office.” “My father will come home very early”. My aunt and uncle will come home with Horlicks and variety of biscuits, my brother will not go to school”. “My granny will come at once and tell me wonderful stories of princes, ghosts and beasts etc”. “House will be filled with swarm of people”. I will be the center of attraction”. “That’s why I like fever”. The inspection party was taken aback by the child’s reply and wondered how on earth the nuclear family has ruined the childhood happiness.